
Keyboard layout


In Legantoo, there are some preconfigured shortcuts for program functions. For example, you can use Ctrl + N to create a new category, or Ctrl + I to import a media file.

Legantoo offers you as a user, however, even more options. This allows you to change the preconfigured keyboard shortcuts or to add keyboard shortcuts to most program features. Of course you can also delete preconfigured keyboard shortcuts and it is also possible to restore the keyboard shortcuts to their original state as well as to export or import them.

To create or edit keyboard shortcuts, press the Alt key to open the menu. Now navigate with the right arrow key to the main menu item „Tools“. Alternatively, you can also press the Alt + X keys. Then use the arrow key to move downwards until you are on the menu item „Keyboard layout“. To select this item, press the ENTER key.

In the dialog box that opens up, the focus of your screen reader is first in the list of program functions for which you can assign or delete keyboard shortcuts. With the arrow keys up and down you can now navigate in this list and select the desired program function.

If you have marked a program function and press the TAB key once, then you are standing in the input field for the shortcut. If the program already has a shortcut for this function, you will see it here or will be announced by your screen reader. If you would like to change an existing shortcut or assign a new one, then stay on this field and simply press the desired keys, such as Ctrl + Shift + F1.

If you would like to delete the shortcut, then press the TAB key once. You are now on the delete button. Press the spacebar or ENTER key to remove the existing keyboard shortcut.

Here you can also reset shortcuts of selected program functions to their original state. To do this, proceed as follows: Navigate to the list of program functions. Press the spacebar to highlight the entries whose shortcuts you want to reset. If you want to reset the keyboard shortcuts of all program functions, press the context key and select the menu item „Select all“. If you do not want to reset the selected shortcuts, press the context key again and select the menu item „Cancel selection“. If you have now marked the desired entries, then continue to navigate with the TAB key until you reach the „Reset“ button. There press the spacebar or ENTER key.

You can also export or import existing or custom keyboard shortcuts to make them available to other devices. To do this, move the focus of your screen reader to the list of keyboard shortcuts and open the context menu. Here you will find the menu items „Export“ and „Import“.
Select the menu item „Export“, then a folder and file window will open in which you can specify the location on your hard disk where the exported keyboard shortcuts will be stored.
If you select the „Import“ menu item, a folder and file window opens in which you can search for the keyboard shortcuts to be imported on your hard disk.
Then click the „Open“ or „Save“ button to start the respective process.

If you no longer want to change, delete, add or reset any other keyboard shortcuts, press the TAB key until you see the OK button. Then press the spacebar or ENTER key to save the changes. Press the „Cancel“ button to abort the process without saving and to close the configuration window for the keyboard layout. Alternatively, you can press the ESCAPE key to close the window without saving.

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