There are four types of media imports in Legantoo.
How to proceed to import media:
Swipe left or right to navigate to the category you want to import one or more media to and double-tap to open it. After double-tapping on „More Options“, navigate to the „Import“ entry and double-tap it. It opens a submenu in which you can decide between the above options. A double tap activates the respective import type.
The folder and file window is displayed, in which you have to search for the medium to be imported in the internal memory of your mobile device or the memory card and select it with a double tap.
If you have selected the menu item „Load from Dropbox“, then a window opens with the media saved in the Dropbox. Navigate to a book and double-tap it.
Please note that the import from the Dropbox is only possible if you have previously packed the media into a ZIP archive and these are in the Legantoo folder in the Apps directory in your Dropbox.
After selecting the desired medium, the import window opens in which you can make temporary settings that apply only to this import process. In this window, you can choose to copy the entire media file to Legantoo's media directory or just create links to the file. In addition, if Legantoo finds it, you will be offered a book name, which you can also change yourself.
To abort the process without importing, navigate to the stop button and double-tap it. The import window now closes and you are back in the category list of your library.
Please note that the book name can not be changed when importing multiple books, extract from archive or load from dropbox.
During import, your screen reader announces the progress of the process in percentage. After a successful import, the window closes automatically and you are again in the category list in the media library, where all copied or unpacked media appear as new entries.